This page contains digitized versions of my portfolio pieces. If any of the documentation given for each piece leaves you wondering about something, feel free to email me and I'll do everything in my power to give you an answer.
Fully In-House
Projects that have been developed 100% by Kitsufox Productions.
Kitsufox Productions Version 1 [ Student Work ]
[ Build Documents ] [ Process Book ]
Order of the Eternal Flame Website [ Student Work ]
[ Process ] [ Build Documents ]
Tsavo Lion Skateboard [ Student Work ]
[ Detail Views ] [ Process ]
Tsavo Lion Shirt [ Student Work ]
[ Process ]
[ Older Work ]
Projects handled in conjunction with another team, based off others designs or the like.
Downtown Green Bay Website [ 2013 ]
Based off a design by Arketype INC, the Downtown Green Bay website was coded by Kitsufox Productions and prepared for deployment here. The site is currently live and prodiving information to residents and visitors to Green Bay's downtown area.